
Mining via an external program (Cudaminer, GUIMiner-Scypt, CGMiner)

Due to the current IFC mining difficulty, it is highly recommended to not mine using your CPU (Processor) because of the stress that will be put on it. Please only use an ATI GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) for maximum results. NVidia graphics cards can be used, but will not achieve high hashrates. Also, please have sufficient cooling. Your video card will reach high temperatures while mining. To get started please follow the steps below.

1. Download the latest drivers from the AMD website.


2. Download CGminer 3.3.4


Make a folder on your computer, and extract the files to the new folder you made.

3. Choose a pool to mine IFC & sign up

Pool Name Fee Payout System
ifc-pool.com 2% Proportional
ifc.livechains.net 0% Proportional
ifc.cryptomp.com 2% Proportional
coin-base.info 1% Proportional
global-pool.com 2% PPLNS
CoinEx.pw 2% PPLNS
p2pool.org 2% PPLNS
mpool.biz 0% PPLNS
TreasureQuarry 1.5% PPLNS
ifc.scryptmining.com 2% Proportional

4. Set up your worker

After you find an IFC pool and have signed up, you will need to set up a worker. Most pools already have one worker auto generated, this is usually username: - yourusername.worker and password: - password. It is best to fill in each box with something you can remember. If you have two mining rigs, it is recommended to have a worker for each mining, rig for better monitoring.

5. Setup CGMiner

Go to the folder that you extracted CGMiner to, right-click, and select "New Text Document". If you don't see the file extension (.txt) at the end of the new file like "New Text Document.txt" you have to change your folder options. Press the "ALT" key to open the folder menu. Click on "Folder options", and click the "View Tab". In the list below, uncheck "Hide extensions for known file types". Click OK.

Now, you can rename the new text document you just made ifc.bat. Right-click on ifc.bat and select "Edit" The example .bat file below will help you get started. Please copy and paste the code below into your ifc.bat file.

color 02 
cgminer.exe --scrypt -o stratum+tcp://yourpoolurlhere.com:3333 -u username.1 -p passwordhere

The pool you chose should have a "Getting Started" section once you have logged in. This will show you the URL and port to use to connect to the pool. Please replace the info in the example.bat code above, with your own. You can also find other GPU miners settings here. https://litecoin.info/Mining_hardware_comparison#AMD_.28ATI.29 Find your graphics card on the list to see settings other miners are currently using.

After you have your settings configured please click "File" and then click "Save". Next, your ifc.bat file must be in the same folder you extracted the CGMiner files to. Now just open the ifc.bat file, and you are ready to start mining!
